Store 6" off floor. CA: PIC advised to clean soda fountain more frequently. Holster to scoop for ice at drink station with mold/grime debris inside. Observed mold growth inside left ice machine by walk-in cooler (WIC). Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to date mark all time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods that require 7-day holding limit; milk included. Pots relocated to 3-compartment sink. Monitor closely. Cobb Health Center Apartments (654) Military Locations. Posted certified food safety manager (CFSM) certificate expired. Cooked wings cooling in deep tub in WIC, within safe cooling stage. Ipp's Pastaria & Bar in Woodstock, GA. Single use containers reused (potato salad containers used for pudding & gravy). PIC verified stage 1 cooling was met. No paper towels in restroom without handles. Observed wasp spray stored in storage area. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to clean and sanitize ice machine often enough to prevent mold growth. Observed several food items cooling covered in reach-in coolers (cool uncovered). Repeat. Observed rice cooling in deep, covered pan inside walk-in cooler; still within safe cooling stage. Observed time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods cold held in low reach-in (RI) cooler at temperature greater than 41F. Observed containers of pico and cheese cooling covered in make table. Repeat. Observed bulk container of seasoning stored without label as to identity of contents. CA: Person in charge advised to thoroughly clean and sanitize drink gun nozzles often enough to prevent grime buildup. Instructed Person in charge (PIC) to dilute to proper concentration and to test regularly. Observed condensation in reach-in cooler (near fans). Condensation accumulation observed in beer cooler at upstairs bar. Repeat. Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods >41F in cold drawers for pasta on line and milks in bar cooler. Corrected on-site (COS): Removed from wrist. Observed dumplings (make bottom) and cooked chicken (walk-in cooler) with incorrect date (freeze date). Inspection report hidden behind decoration. No self-closing mechanism for restroom opening facing food service area. Person in charge (PIC) advised to maintain sanitizer concentration at 50-100 ppm chlorine. Observed employee wearing bracelet during food preparation. Gallon jugs of milk with sell by date of 11/11/2019 in back reach-in. Drip cup missing at vent hood in kitchen. PIC advised that household pesticide not approved for use in food service establishment. Observed cracked tile in front of conveyor oven Observed two missing tiles near prep table in front of fryers. Quat sanitizer concentration too low in cloth buckets. Repeat. Repeat. CA: PIC instructed to keep handsinks properly stocked with supplies. PIC advised to store in food grade containers. Worker washed hands at 3-compartment sink. Observed employee beverage stored at work station in reusable container. PIC advised to leave pan uncovered to promote rapid cooling. Observed wontons stored in grocery bags. Wet rag found in front handsink. Repair to be sealed, smooth and easily cleanable. Corrected on-site (COS): Items removed. Repeat. PIC advised to transfer open box to container with tight fitting lid. Corrective action (CA): PIC instructed to know proper sanitizer concentrations, proper testing procedures, and to ensure that other workers are properly trained on sanitizing. Person in charge (PIC) advised to cold hold time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods at 41F or below. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC instructed employee to remove gloves, wash hands and don clean gloves before continuing with food preparation. Inspection date: January 6, 2022 . Observed damaged gasket on glass door cooler in kitchen. Cardboard used on floor and as liner under tables. Observed ice build-up in freezer near fans. Proper cooling time and temperature, Violation of : 6-1D. Observed grime in soda gun holder in bar near 3-compartment sink. Damaged tile observed at entrance to beer WI. Corrected on-site (COS): Moved to shelving in WIC. CA: PIC advised that hand sinks are to be used for handwashing only. Re-using soy sauce buckets for storing food ingredients. Observed condensation build-up in beer cooler and keg. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to clean ice machine more frequently. One fan in walk-in cooler not working. Cooked fires on tray in walk-in cooler (WIC) found at 47-69 degrees from being prepped the evening before. CA: PIC advised to cool using shallow, uncovered pans. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised that employee drinks must be in single-service cups with lids and straws. Repeat. Observed faucet leak at employee restroom hand sink. Repeat. Single-service cups stored with drain lines under soda fountains. PIC advised to maintain time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods at 41F or below during cold holding. PIC advised to provide parasite destruction letter from provider of raw fish. Corrected on-site (COS): Moved to hotel pan and uncovered. Observed damaged and missing cove base at bread storage area of kitchen near walk-in (WI) cooler door. Observed food trays, plates and other single-service items stored on the floor in front storage area. Lamb shanks failed to reach 2-stage cooling in time. Observed food debris on floor beneath ice machine. Self-service plastic ware by drink fountain without protective cover over tines, blades and bowls (of spoons). Observed three sanitizer bottles without a label. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC marked sandwiches with discard time. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to supply all hand sinks with water at least 100F. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure <41F for all TCS foods in cold holding. Person in charge (PIC) discarded as it was a small portion. PIC advised that time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods to be hot held at temperature of 135F or greater. CA: PIC instructed to label all spray bottles with common name of contents. Sink sanitized. Full Time position. Bulk sugar stored in container without label as to identity of contents. Covers on trash can in ladies restroom missing lids. Cool with food depth no greater than 3 inches. Splash guards needed for side hand sinks due to proximity to storage shelves with food products. Chicken salad cooling in deep, covered container in walk-in. No sneeze guards or covers for assorted toppings, spinach and salsa in containers for customer self-service. Observed dust accumulation on wire storage shelves at rear kitchen. Observed employee prepping food without a hairnet. Clean plates on shelf above make table not covered or inverted. Person in charge (PIC) advised to keep soap available at all times at handsink. Observed utensils stored between uses in joint space between pieces of equipment in kitchen. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to date all temperature control for safety (TCS) foods. PIC advised to store open bags of sugar in container with tight fitting lid. Make bottom #2 not holding TCS foods at 41F or less. If a restaurant receives a failing score for an inspection, a score of less than 70, then they will receive a follow-up inspection within 10 days . Inspection report not displayed at drive-thru. Observed dish machine racks stored on kitchen floor. Repeat. Corrected on-site (COS): Empty sanitizer well disconnected; hose attached to full well. Contact pest control. Observed grime accumulation in first glass door reach-in near fan. Observed employee dumping ice into kitchen hand wash sink. Dial adjusted. Observed food debris on container storing clean pans near oven. Dust accumulation observed on top of Henny Penny hot holding cabinet. Repeat. Boxes of chicken wings and container of Brunswick stew >41F and dated 9/11 - longer term items at 41F in walk-in - evidence of failing to cool items in time. PIC advised to store open food containers in container with tight fitting lid. Observed household pesticide stored in closet adjacent to mop sink. WIC out of repair. . Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised that hand sinks must be stocked with paper towels at all times. Repeat. Floor tiles damaged throughout kitchen. CA: PIC advised to reheat chili to 165F (reheated within 2 hours). Observed light shields missing on kitchen ceiling. Observed broken spatula stored for use at clean utensil rack. Hi all. Observed expired milk in glass door cooler. Observed floor grime/debris throughout back storage areas. Cherokee County Restaurant & Lodging Scores - North Georgia Health (2 days ago) To begin, choose the North Georgia county the restaurant or lodging facility is located in below. Re-grout. Person in charge (PIC) instructed to cool no greater than 3 inches. Bulk ice being brought in and stored in residential chest freezer. PIC advised that required to wash hands using 100F water temperature. Observed flooring peeling near storage shelf in front of ice machine. Maintenance called for adjustment. Repeat. Observed condensation build-up in keg cooler. COS: Returned to freezer until 41F. Repeat. Sanitizer test strips not provided for use in wipe cloth bucket and 3-compartment sink. Repeat. Deep grout lines between floor tiles in dish area; allowing for food debris and moisture accumulation. COS: PIC transferred steak to sheet pan sat on speedrack in walk-in (WI) to promote rapid cooling. Observed cook wearing wrist watch and bracelet during food preparation. COS: PIC discarded TCS foods in WI. Pans stacked while wet on clean shelves in dish room. Observed cup without handle used to dispense bulk seasoning. Bulk ice machine not functioning. Observed water leak at hand sink located at rear kitchen. Ham in cooling phase in deep container in make table: ham diced and placed in pan in make table. Instructed to change more frequently. Items discarded. $28.67 - $38.83; Part-time; Bremen, GA 30110; . Repeat. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to dilute spray bottle to 50-100ppm. Must wear cap, hairnet, or full head cover such as scarf or bandana. Recently cooked shrimp in covered bus tub. Repeat. Observed dust accumulation on fan in women's restroom. Temperature control for safety (TCS) foods not held at 41F or lower on salad bar. Person in charge (PIC) advised to leave plastic sleeve on stacked cups to protect during storage. Repeat. Repeat. Food contact surfaces of plasticware stored exposed (handles down) in cups in sitting area. Observed dust accumulation on ceiling vent and front counter. Dust accumulation observed on ceiling vent and damaged floor tiles observed in dining area. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to refill buckets at the proper concentration (200-400 ppm). Observed wet stacking of plastic food containers after washing. Dry storage and WH room cluttered with miscellaneous items on the floor. Repair or replace make table. Do not use until WI repaired. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to either use chlorine or quat based sanitizer in a spray bottle with a paper towel or by using two-bucket method. Corrected on-site (COS). Observed wet wipe cloths stored between uses on make table and countertops in kitchen. Bar hand sink used to store plastic beer pitchers. Repeat. Observed water condensation accumulation on bottom of beer keg cooler at front bar. Repeat. Move to asphalt. No dedicated fruit sink available in bar. Sterling Restaurant Steakhouse is now hiring a Assistant Manager in Woodstock, GA. . Discussed with Person in charge (PIC) long term storage ideas. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure 2-stage cooling is met: 135F to 41F in 6 hours; 135F to 70F in first 2 hours for all time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods. Items on steam table double stacked, not holding at 135F or above. Replace with cleanable. Observed employee washing hands at kitchen vegetable sink. Pan lid stored in back kitchen hand sink. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to put hamburgers back on grill until they reach a temperature of 165 degrees or higher. Observed employees thawing frozen meats in room temperature water rather than under running cool water in meat preparation sink. Tel: (770) 485 3079. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised that handsinks must have hot water at all times. Consumer advisory provided for raw and undercooked foods, Violation of : 17A. Observed chicken cooling in deep and covered containers. Repeat. Repeat. Temperature control for safety (TCS) foods not held at 41F or less in make bottom #2. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure hand sinks deliver at least 100F water. Observed soap not available for use at upstairs bar hand sink. Test strips not present for Quat sanitizer. Corrected on-site (COS): Items discarded. Corrected on-site (COS): Food discarded. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC labeled chemical spray bottle with the common name for pine. Corrected on-site (COS): Cloth removed. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to discard food items and hold TCS foods at 41F or less. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC discarded milk. Observed sausage and ham cold held in front make table at temperature greater than 41F. Observed food containers stacked wet after washing. Handwashing signage missing in women's restroom. Walk-in cooler (WIC) not holding time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods at 41F or lower. Meat reach-in and make table not holding food to 41F or less. Observed water build-up on basement floor in storage closet (chemical storage). Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to supply both hand sinks with paper towels. Elevate 6" onto shelving or dunnage racks. PIC states out of soap until next delivery. Some food items failing to meet 2-stage cooling; batches of coleslaw and potato salad in cooling stage held covered in make table bottom. Observed use of paper cup to dispense sugar at downstairs kitchen. Slicer not clean to sight and touch in small prep kitchen. No time in/time out written for eggs held under time. Person in charge (PIC) advised to only stock at designated. Re-grouting needed for tiles near dish machine. CA: PIC advised to clean ice machine more frequently. No certified food safety manager (CFSM) for store. Hand sinks in bar areas not stocked with paper towels. No hot water at handsink behind front counter. Repeat. Vegetable sink not in good repair. Cooler with ice is being used to hold time/temperature control for safety foods (TCS). Person in charge (PIC) advised to wear hair restraint during food preparation. Observed wet stacking on dish storage rack. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to obtain one. Hand wash signage missing from bar hand sinks. Repeat. No covered waste receptacle in restroom near back (unisex restroom). Restaurant inspection findings and violations in Cartersville 2nd-Zen. COS: PIC discarded beef. PIC advised to maintain sanitizer concentration in wipe cloth bucket at 200-400 ppm Quat or 50-100 ppm chlorine. Corrected on-site (COS): Each employee did full hand wash at hand sink before returning to work. Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods <41F in cold holding in front make table and prep cooler. Intuitive Painting Classes - Ignite the Healing Power of Your Creative Process, 5 Woodstock-Towne Lake Area Open Houses To Stop By, Check Out These Homes For Sale In Woodstock-Towne Lake. Observed dust on ceiling vents in women's restroom. Heavy debris accumulation on floors behind both downstairs bars. Cancun Mexican Grill - Health Inspections Score - 4403 Towne Lake Pkwy, Woodstock, GA - Yelp - Yelp Observed restroom door propped open during operation of kitchen. Unfinished concrete floor in downstairs bar area. A data-driven approach that identifies opportunity for buyers and sellers, An obsession with customer service that leaves clients feeling like royalty, A financing network that helps gets deal done, Walking Club - every Monday and Friday at the Dupree Park walking/running track, 513 Neese Road. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to store food in sealed or covered containers. Cool lettuce in ice bath. All soda guns in front and back bars had mold growth including heavy buildup in the holders. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure youre on an official state website. PIC advised to cold hold time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods at 41F. For inspections prior to 12/16/2019 in the following counties, use these links. Corrected on-site (COS): Prep date verified and placed on items. Walk-in cooler doors not completely self-closing. Suite 700 Monroe GA, 30655 . Corrected on-site (COS): Discarded. Toxic substances properly identified, stored, used, Violation of : 16B. Store 6" off floor. Plastic food pans stacked while wet on clean dish shelf across from 3-compartment sink. Observed dust accumulation on top of ice bin of front drink dispensers. Old food debris on coiling in prep room. Handwashing sink is needed in the front area by fryer and food serving area. Heavy food debris and mold buildup on storage shelves in walk-in cooler (WIC). "That's why Tuscany is our GO TO for lunch/dinner with friends or special events!". Quat sanitizer in sanitizer bucket and for use to soak syrup nozzles well over 500 ppm. Observed hard boiled (HB) eggs and yogurt cold held at buffet area at a temperature greater than 41F. Need beverage rinse/dump sink. Gasket/seal damaged on walk-in cooler door. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure all hand sinks dispense water at 100F or more. Mold growth observed in ice machine. Homes for Sale in Atlanta; Coved molding missing by cash register. Will use another type of dispenser until repaired. All other affected TCS foods discarded. Replace. PIC advised to position containers to air dry prior to stacking. Sanitizer concentration too low in cloth bucket and 3-compartment sink. Some debris on surfaces behind bar. Restaurant, Fast Food, Restaurant Franchising, Restaurant Manager. Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods >41F in walk-in cooler. View inspections: September 15, 2021 Score: 70, Grade: C. Reel Seafood (Food Service . Observed front door does not close completely leaving gap exposed allowing entrance of pests into facility. No visors without hairnet underneath. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to take ServSafe class as soon as possible. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to clean and sanitize ice machine frequently enough to preclude mold growth. COS. Repeat violation. PetSuites has been in business for over 15 years. Make table thermostat not properly adjusted. All held above 41F. Package of raw pork thawing in the vegetable prep/ready-to-eat prep sink. Person in charge (PIC) not performing duties as necessary; generator to operate handsink not present during inspection. PIC advised to maintain signed agreements for inspection. Dishes temporarily stored in backroom handsink. Ensure compliance with Moe's/Sterling Operational Standards. Person in charge (PIC) unaware of presence of certified food safety manager (CFSM) on staff. 304 Athens GA, 30605, 1155 Mitchell Bridge Road Athens GA, 30606, 255 West Washington Street Athens GA, 30601, Iron Works Cafe @ The Graduate Athens Hotel, 3700 Atlanta Hwy., Ste. Damaged light bulb observed in kitchen vent hood. Back door propped open. CA: PIC advised to ensure TCS foods are cold held at 41F or below. Consider changing shelf design. Observed multiple time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods held above 41F in walk-in cooler. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to discard rice (stored in reach-in overnight). Observed wipe cloths hanging between uses on front counter top rather than storage in bucket of sanitizer solution. Observed damaged gasket on WI cooler. Dust accumulation observed on ceiling vents at front door and food debris accumulation observed at rear kitchen near storage of sugar. Observed damaged/missing wall tile in women's restroom. Observed dumpster door left open after last use. Order Online. Floor under bar, in walk-in cooler and in women's restroom in poor repair. Observed missing light shields at rear of kitchen near WI entrance and mop sink locations. Observed dust/grime on ceiling vents in kitchen. Container of flour without label to identify contents. Observed use of cloth wipe to sanitize multiple dining tables. Back handsink not currently operational. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to maintain quat sanitizer concentration at 150-400 ppm in buckets and sinks. Floors throughout establishment not clean with heavy debris and grime - especially under equipment and in corners. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised not to dump ice into hand sink. Corrected on-site (COS). Repeat. Corrected on-site (COS). Observed fly tape suspended from kitchen ceiling above food preparation areas. Ceiling in poor repair above water heater. Observed grime on slicer in kitchen. Covered waste receptacle not provided in unisex restroom. Certificate of Food Safety Manager (CFSM) not posted. Temperature control for safety (TCS) foods not held at 41F or lower in make table (top) #1 and pizza make table. Observed single service cups stored without protection at drive up window. Nearby Cities. Dining tables sanitized using bucket of water followed by sprayed glass cleaner. No paper towels at dish room hand sink. Observed crab salad cooling in deep and covered containers on shelf in glass door cooler. Observed employee hand washing sign not present in restroom #2. Observed hot dogs cold held in glass door cooler at temperature greater than 41F. Observed pest control device located above milk shake preparation station in kitchen. Person in charge (PIC) advised that time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods to be cold held at temperature of 41F or below. Spigot to dish room hand sink loose. Observed food/debris build-up on shelving in walk-in cooler (WIC). PIC advised to replace batteries in dispenser to keep soap available at all times. Observed employee wearing nail polish during food preparation. Observed grime on floor and cove molding behind mixer. Milk past expiration date of 11/27/2019. Observed tuna salad stored in walk-in (WI) without date mark indicated. Observed food debris build-up on fryers. Trays used for raw chicken not stored six inches off the floor in outdoor storage area (move boxes of trays to storage shelf). Drain plug missing from dumpster. 217 Vista Ln, Woodstock, GA 30189. Corrected on-site (COS): Bleach used to make chlorine based sanitizer until dispenser is repaired. Observed dirty cooking pots stacked in back kitchen hand sink. Handle on oven broken. Rice transferred to sheet pans in walk-in cooler and observed to be cooling properly. Click the link above and choose the restaurant county from the Permitting County drop-down menu. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to store chemicals on bottom shelf and away from ready-to-eat foods and single-service items. Repeat. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to move food items into walk-in #2. Environmental Health Office Hair restraint not worn by employee preparing food. (770) 928-8901 Order online. Observed open box of panko bread crumbs and bag of sugar in dry goods room without protection from contamination. . Sanitizer concentration too low in cloth buckets and in sanitizer compartment of 3-compartment sink. Repeat. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to cool using shallow, uncovered pans; wait until wings are cooled to 41F or below before portioning. COS: PIC labelled carafe with discard time. Ice build-up in walk-in (WI) freezer. Observed food debris build-up near equipment in cooking area. Cheese sauce and meat sauce held below 135F in table top steam wells. Nothing more than a plain ring band allowed on hands/wrists. Corrected on-site (COS): Drink removed. Observed condensation build-up in make bottom. Observed employee drinks in non-single service cups in drink caddy at bar. Pans and dishes stacked while wet on clean rack. Food debris and grease accumulation in microwave on line. Corrected on-site (COS). Little more than a walk way is present. Repeat. Observed food debris on walk-in cooler #2 floor. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC discarded TCS foods in RI. Repeat. Person in charge (PIC) advised to store drinks in single service containers with lid and straw. Observed household RAID stored under meat sink and in beverage prep area. Observed chemical spray bottles stored without label as to identity of contents. Instructed to place employee drinks in disposable cup with lid and straw. Observed grime on soda fountain in dining area. Booked 53 times today. No trash can near hand sink in back kitchen/by dish machine. Repeat. Shes in the top-tier of Berkshire Hathaway agents in the U.S., has generated dozens of 5-star reviews from clients and regularly gets premium listings like this amazing 5-bedroom beauty on a hard to find cul-de-sac in Canton.
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