psychotic female monologues from published plays

Mr. 3. Bit. A reserved lover, it is said, always makes a suspicious husband. if you could call what happened a rescue. What would he want with Ty, she couldnt make him happy. (Female, Dramatic, 18-22, Depression) I basically turned it all on them. It never occured to me that I might not make it. Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. From that smoking gun on the table to obsession to restraining orders, jealousies and a car wreck, love can lead you to strange places! The last is a girl who is simply tired of women being seen as the weaker sex. Nor do I in any way approve of the modern sympathy with invalids. Absolutely not. Not her. Whats that? I thought my hand might go through into space. The play, narrated by Nick in the present tense, traces the events of a life-changing day. A Raisin In The Sun 9. Do you often get the feeling that perhaps life isnt worth living? Hmm, what is it, Harold? She borrowed it and now . This standalone monologue is entitled MARCIA, the Diver. Marcia is a transgender woman who has saved almost enough money of her goal ($35,000) to complete her gender reassignment surgery. . In this monologue, Ava tries to relate to her therapist how her emotions and self-worth have been attacked and beaten down by a feeling of worthlessness. My latest husband. I have to haul a** to the kitchen, re-distribute the food and like squish in extra place-settings and people are on mismatched chairs and all. Shes over 50, divorced, and she sits in night after night after night because available guys her age want something-forgive me, they want somebody that looks like Marin. I really hate going to the doctors office. I really (looks into a store window) Oooh! You know what it is to wake up from a sound sleep with no eyelashes and a dry mouth and hear that your husband is getting it from a woman youre not allowed to see for lunch? Prada handbags, too. Here, she plays Susanna, as she is discharged from the mental hospital with the wild menagerie of characters. One. Often times actors are either unemployed, or on a break . Oh, yes, he will, all right. 15 Best Classical Monologues For Women From Plays. of a handsome but not affected fineness, a good faithful eye, and a well-humored cheek. When I was completing my MFA in Playwriting at CMU, I helped actor's prepare for their Senior Showcase presentations. . Funny. . Colin, twenty-two years older than Peta, is as much a father to her as a lover. She explains to Laura that Mack had told her that before anything could happen between them she would have to choose between him and Peter. In this monologue, Johnny attacks the auditioner for his invasiveness. However, if he be so young, so handsome, and so everything as you mention, I believe hell do still. Would he did not stoop in the shoulders, for thy sake! PURPLE: And then the frosting . Oh, well put C not sure. Turn. The show is in the manner of Talking With or Vagina Monologues. Upon learning of his heritage, the romance cannot be allowed. Anyway, its not as bad as it sounds Still. Our ePlays consist of short plays for student Featured Scripts 10 Practice Scripts for Actors August 16, 2022 MB Team 10 Practice Scripts for Actors may be used for auditions, workshops, demo reel videos or scene work in drama class. . He loved his state. A satiny mix of white and silver . But then reserved, and sheepish, thats much against him. So, did I really wanna be sluggin it out in little clubs still chasing that rock n roll dream when I was 45? Come on. This shilly-shallying with the question is absurd. It becomes apparent that Sophie used to go out with Bennys brother Peter. Thats when we had sex actually. They had to go. When she is silent, he assumes she didnt get along with him. Hmbitter rock chick in a bandbitter rock chick without a band. Now, if you could attach Mr Anuchkins lips to Mr Podkolyosins nose, and take some of Mr Zhevakins easy manner, and perhaps add Mr Omelets solid build, I could decide on the spot. Are you in search of a monologue from a character dealing with mental illness? The husbands Id have, if Id married all that had wanted to marry me! . In this monologue, Foreigner breaks the ice by talking about teddy bears, and then explains how her relationship with her father changed after she saw a gruesome picture of him during the war. (comes out of the store with bags in tow) What does she want with Josh anyway? Three: Should women run for president of the United States? I dont see why not. But the wrong effort. This wedlock with thy mother fear not thou. () I knew she was always a proud sl*t; and now the wench hath played the fool and married, because forsooth she would do like the gentry. New Kid Next Door is out now as a radio play by Gather by the Ghostlight Podcast, hosted by Jonathan Cook, performed by Luke Romagnoli, Kelsie Johnson, and Sophie Cook. MAL-I-BU BAR-BIE! MAGS, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? . She needs to tell him things. But thy match, sisterby my troth, I think twill do well. "Well, Tommy has proposed to Lady Bracknell has become aware of Jack's intentions toward Gwendolyn. Obviously. . Same old shit, same old shit. "Doubt" by John Patrick Shanley. Named after a Sheffield Wednesday footballer and they wondered why she ate? My late husband, Fester. But not in a bad way. I need some nuclear bomb stuff for this one. so marriage, you know, is often without virtue, and virtue, I am sure, more oft without marriage. Better Mr Podkolyosin. Rosalind (in disguise as a male) explains to Orlando how his brother fell in love so quickly. And her sister. THE ALTRUISTS (SYDNEY) DOWN FOR THE COUNT (WENDY) POST MORTEM (BETSY) 20 Funny Contemporary Comedic Monologues For Women From Plays. . See? Character: Sister James . Widowed during the Vietnam War at a very young age, Sarah shares her sorrow with her two neighbors, Venita and Maggie. A monologue from the screenplay by Tina Fey (Based on the book by Rosalind Wiseman). Women of Choiceis a collection of monologues, each spoken by a woman who has made a significant choice in her life. My parents: Sharon and Dave. Thank you! In the old days I would have gone to my grave ignorant of the wonderful and beautiful knowledge that my husband was spending his afternoons humping Charlotte Korman!. And Mr Podkolyosin isnt too bad, either. . I used to touch myself when I was very little, I thought Id invented something wonderful. . and my mother saw me with my hand under my dress rubbing away, and she dragged me out so quickly I hit my head and it bled and I was sick. You can raise the price of stamps again. shell certainly have this Gayless: nay, were she as well convinced of his poverty as I am, shed have him. They include a couple hidden theater gems as well as several famous female monologues, good for either Broadway or the local playhouse. It was very late at night. The lights of Broadway illuminate this escapade into the audition process and the magical world of acting. Your registration has been updated. Ill write all their names on a bit of paper, roll them up tight, then so be it. If you must be married, could you introduce nobody into our family but a highwayman? As for marriagetheres plenty of time for that. So I pressed down harder, my fingers steaming and blistering. She got hospitalized once she turned yellow. But I would be much obliged if you would ask Mr. Bunbury, from me, to be kind enough not to have a relapse on Saturday, for I rely on you to arrange my music for me. Why should she die of influenza when she come through diphtheria right enough the year before? Youve got the right idea: sleep: its the most underrated human activity there is. Persona is a 1966 Swedish psychological drama film, written and directed by Ingmar Bergman . Just in a way. You know what I like most about New York? A short play made up of multiple monologues; this monologue serves as the prologue to the story. Nothing says friendship like 1,000 gallons of unsanitary chocolate! A monologue from the book/play by Lisa B. Thompson, A thirty-five-year-old African American woman. SPECTACULAR! The date wasnt that good. O, but a virtuous marriage, you say? At this point in the play he has decided to talk to a Neuropsychiatrist after having a rough experience with a physic. No, no, its got to be one! Youre gonna hit your peak in five years. and there was this vast feeling growing in me and all around me and they couldnt stop me and no one could stop me and I was there and coming and coming. I'm sixty-two (insert appropriate age) next week. Griffith High School. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Anorexia) It all boiled down to one inevitable conclusion, I was just totally clueless. A monologue from the play by Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker. these get sent to the FBI, analyzed, Xeroxed and burned. Fabulation, or the Re-Education of Undine, 15 Best Classical Monologues For Women From Plays, 22 Best Comedic Monologues For Females From Movies, HAROLD AND MAUDE MONOLOGUE (MRS. CHASEN), 7 Best Modeling Agencies In Iowa (Up-to-date & Current Listings), 19 Dramatic Shakespeare Monologues For Women, 21 Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Women From Published Plays, 24 Classical Dramatic Monologues For Women. Then they moved her from the school when she got out of hospital because they wanted to change her routine and they werent sure our school was a healthy environment. I saw the band X at The Whiskey and I fell in love with punk rock. My birthday. 300 plays. It is my last reception, and one wants something that will encourage conversation, particularly at the end of the season when every one has practically said whatever they had to say, which, in most cases, was probably not much. Ow, ow, ow! The real thing wont be so bad when it comes along. My father, was a drinker, and a fiend. Arent you?! And as for father ladling the gin down her throat, it wouldnt have killed her. Oh sure, you can come back as all sorts of things. Thats cause youre still changing. (Female, Serio-Comedic/Dramatic, 20s 40s) After losing his wife and job he is willing to try anything. This store is PCI Compliant, Please log in to begin your shopping experience. Ilona, the waitress at the restaurant, recounts to the audience a few moments and feelings from her life. Take your pick. In this monologue, Blaine speaks to his newborn baby about his mentally retarded sister Dale. And I was on antidepressants for a while, when I was her age. (pause) Oh my god! Dotingor where they? Well, Algernon, of course if you are obliged to be beside the bedside of Mr. Bunbury, I have nothing more to say. This standalone monologue is entitled MARY, the widow. Mary (late 20s+) is praying to God in confession. . Her father had depression, too. And these are all the things you gotta know. Which, in turn, makes them even less desirable because as we all know, men- especially older men- are threatened and afraid of productive, interesting women. Mable only has eyes for Lord Goring. I FOUND MY OWN MATERIALS . And whether or not they find each other will determine if they live through the night. But its my belief they done the old woman in. When Autumn comes upon them discussing Amelias social ambitions, Helen lies and says they were just saying how sad that their father wouldnt be present at Helens wedding. Sheridan. He told me he loved me. B? A monologue from the play by Terrence McNally. After a series of unhappy encounters she feels fearful, misses Colin and asks him to come and take her home. Somebody pinched it, and what I say is, them that pinched it, done her in. Can you support the expense of a husband, hussy, in gaming, drinking and whoring? Cost is $11.00 for this set of four monologues in digital format. [] Well, if he refuses, instead of breaking my heart at his indifference, Ill only break my glass for its flattery, set my cap to some newer fashion, and look out for some less difficult admirer. Featured by the NYC Playwrights Project "Women in the Age of Trump." This . So Im saying it to you now, whatre you now, 11? I think Ill have him. A wild outrageous comedy full of romance, intimacy and dare deviling action. Now, what would you call a woman with that strength in her have to die of influenza, and what become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? Genre: Dramatic monologues Type: Monologues by women Length: Each monologue is about 4 - 5 minutes long except American girl, which is 7-8 minutes long. DON'T LEAVE ME WITHOUT MUFFIN A terrible parting between mother and daughter. Although I dont know where those fit in, metaphysically speaking. In fact, out of her a**hole! as far as any improvement in his ailment goes. Take a lot of pictures. However, feel free to browse tips and download any public domain (free) monologues on our site. . And despite the fact that youre little girlfriend gave me the stink eye in our class yesterday. You are a . Im the unfit fitter. . A? The monologue database serves the singular purpose of organizing monologues on the web and . Theyve gone. And my hearts pounding. 20 Of The Best Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Men From Plays 1. Young, handsome; these he put last; but I put them foremost. . Serial Dater female monologue about a black widow from the darkly comic play Lacey's Last Chance. I mean, what was my problem? . []. But Ive met girls like you before and I can tell you, if you dont change your life, youre about ten years away from being a divorced Real Estate agent with chipped nail tips. About the . Six people come together, each for their own reasons, at a restaurant on the Lower East Side. Because the loathing I pour into these pages is so ripe, so full-to-bursting, that it is my firm belief that anyone. All she can describe are abstract concepts, and they must suffice in place of the tangible horror of depression. 9 Dramatic Female Monologues from Characters in Crisis : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. That beautiful mess is Tracy. Had you been hanged, it would not have vexed me, for that might have been your misfortune; but to do such a mad thing by choice! The festivities continue the following evening when the boys are joined by Timps girlfriend Laura and Sophie, who we soon understand is having a secret relationship with Mack. Once Id melted one, I was hooked! (She stands at the parapet and looks out. You see, she stole my identity last month and racked up about three thousand dollars worth of colored rocks on my credit card on account of her psychic, Maggie, told her that she was a stone in a past life. I know I must have left it somewhere., Turned the house upside down. Your registration has been updated. Everyone has their own inner demons, and these characters are not afraid to voice the inner turmoil plaguing their psyche. Health is the primary duty of life. Gin was as mothers milk to her. Chiraptophobia is an inspiring and innovatively structured examination of a communitys struggles with grief and guilt in the wake of the loss of a teenage girl to an eating disorder. Sadly, the grill was ours. Have you played over all your old lessons othe virginals? No, faith; husbands are like lots in the lottery: you may draw forty blanks before you find one that has any prize in him. Here, she visits a website for the transgender community and posts on their message board, asking their advice and weighing her options. A husband generally is a careless, domineering thing that grows like coral, which as long as it is under water is soft and tender. I am always telling that to your poor uncle, but he never seems to take much notice . What rights he got to think himself too high and mighty to be civil to me? For some reason, my guidance counselor took an interest in me. To teach thy base thoughts manners: thart one of thoseThat thinks each woman thy fond, flexible wh*reIf she but cast a liberal eye upon thee;Turn back her head, shes thine, or amongst company,By chance drink first to thee. Generous. These monologues are great for auditioning and for working on your craft. BASILICA 8. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. But my father, he kept ladling gin down her throat. This store is PCI Compliant, Please log in to begin your shopping experience. What are you ashamed that we did it? But I send them anyway, once a day, and do you know why? .! (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Suicide) Oh man, she loves her guitar! Worthing, I Confess ..". Before they leave, Peta is insistent that Colin listens to her. No ones care who you are but you, what you do but you, who you inappropriately f*** but you. So, I maimed. She crept forward and touched it, and then jumped back. One Minute Monologues from Movies One Minute Monologues from Plays 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Annie): "Daddy, I know what I want to do with my life" 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Annie): "You are being really, really, really mean" 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Dr. Jump): "Greetings, citizens of Strawberry" . So, what happens is my dad and uncles, they fight over who gets to eat the lamb brain. I dont know. The girl hes in love with doesnt know he exists, his father is leaving his mother, and his older brother has been deployed to Iraq. Excuse me, Barney. Nick has a love of the Existentialists. Wait a second, what am I stressing about, this is like, Josh. well, kinda hard to interfere with family, if you see my point. From a disappointing journey in Hell to a blood-stained Banana Republic dress, take an eerie ride with these unique characters and their drama. Im afraid of you half the time. . Obsessively going over the events of the day, they grasp at trying to come to terms with their disjointed lives and their singular, unsettling dream. And in conclusion, may I remind you that it doesnt say R.S.V.P. on the Statue of Liberty. My defenses drop. To see the difference of these seasons! She is stuck in a situation where she must choose to either get a back-alley surgery (a very risky procedure, as it may be a scam or end in death) OR tell her boyfriend the truth (another equally risky choice that may result in Marcia being physically injured by her boyfriend). . Where have they gone? See me? But not always pure. She didnt. Am I right? ITS ALL THE FOOD SHES BEEN SPITTING OUT! . Who knows what she saw in me - wearing Barry's. 89 views 0 comments monologues4actors Aug 4, 2021 2 min Unbearable Hotness, by Gabriel Davis, Beatrice monologue, 'Im more man than you.' She is so accomplished. Our day will come. (Male, Dramatic, Teens) Blah, blah, blah. All of them! Single older women as a demographic are about as f***ed a group as can ever exist. Do you find the idea of wife-swapping distasteful?. An email redemption code has been sent to the receiver. RED: glazed cherries laced with rum . Had not such a piece of flesh been ordained, what had us wives been good for? . Using these guidelines, the actor can quickly pinpoint the perfect monologue, then find the text in the Samuel French or Dramatist Play Service edition of the play. But by the end of the day it was like the more, the merrier. But why Mr Podkolyosin? You fit for a knights beddrowsy browed, dull eyed, drossy spritedI hold my life you have forgot your dancing: when was the dancer with you? Petas bedsit, London. We included the most popular dramatic monologues for young girls from a various plays, films and tv shows. Yes, you would! The monsters and wolves in your fairy book are real. Ive seen Jessica Lopez make a girl cry just by looking at her. Thinking the bear told on her discovery and got her in trouble, she defaces it and hides the evidence away from the world. . 10 Raging Lunatic Monologues DARK PLACE Jeffrey lost his mind but receives a visitation form a friend while cooped up in a mental asylum. Well mark D. Do you sometimes have headaches or backaches after a difficult day? Yes, I do indeed. Looks like I crossed that one out. What is that? I mean, what mistakes did I make? In a matter of fact I most certainly am qualified of making that point. . You might like to read Camus The Stranger, if you have not already done so. Know why? . Honestly, this choosing business is so difficult. A monologue from the screenplay by Diablo Cody. Monologues From Published Disney Plays Peter and . A monologue from the play by Sophocles. Level of difficulty: 8/10 because of the single actor and simple set, the focus is carried entirely by the words. I consider it morbid. Why? . Doesnt want anything to do with them? And then, when we both think Im ready, Im going to get in my car and drive off the Verrazano Bridge. There is something so sterile, so impersonal about it. Leah, just said that you were gonna go with her. Nobody else whos ever stopped at this Inn has ever treated me so! Not that I fit anywhere. Is it difficult for you to accept criticism? No. A monologue from the Play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare. This is really fascinating, whats going on at this table. and wears high heels and sexy business suits, she is SBF1s best friend, confidante, and alter ego. Looking for killer audition monologues? A husband. Anyhow, Maggie told Scarlet that the reason why she was feeling so lonely was not because she hadnt had a real date since. Moving fluidly from present survivor monologues to past scenes with the troubled teen, friends and family come to terms with Rachels disease and the roles, however unwitting, that they played in her death as they learn to carry on. The poor fool. But whos counting? . All I ever wanted was a Ballerina Barbie in her pretty pink tutu. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Death) I wanna give this to youbut I have to kind of explain it to you rst. He turns to me and says, "Why so serious?" Comes at me with the knife. Lillian this is not the you I know. But finally you came to my rescue . I told you! Ugh! I might pumice my feet. through a network of handshakes, the Under-Secretary of Outrageous Falsehoods will shake hands with the Secretary for Pernicious Behavior under the Cloak of Night. She is my sister and everything butDont get me wrong. Lucky for her, shes a trust fund baby. Theres never anything you want to play! Oh man she scared the shit out of me! A monologue from the screen play byNancy Meyers. In this inner monologue, this teen tries to make sense of the suicide that happened, observing the service; one classmate cant make it through singing Amazing Grace in the choir. What are you, around 60? 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Well as several famous Female monologues, good for he never seems to take much notice her two neighbors Venita!, once a day, and then, when I was very little, I think twill do.. Want with Ty, she visits a website psychotic female monologues from published plays the transgender community and posts their...