why has the weather been so weird 2022

And it was only the 18 th coolest March; only one of the coolest 10, March 2002, has occurred since 1976. Altho a smaller one compared to the little ice age of the Maunder Minimum. This is a BETA experience. It may be time to rethink architecture in places that were less accustomed to hot weather in the past, suggests Clare Heaviside, a research fellow at University College Londons Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering. It was also the costliest hurricane season on record to that point, with 17 named storms in the Atlantic basin. First, we have strong weather systems that deflect a lot of energy upwards into the stratosphere. Residing in the middle of the southeastern states, Georgia's weather is one to behold; it can be cloudy and cold one day, the next day it's in the high 70s, then the next it's pouring rain! It shows a nice comparison of hailstorm and tornado events during the spring season in the United States, compared between El Nino and La Nina seasons. The jet stream is an important atmospheric feature that shapes our weather. While still the subject of meteorological investigation, there are signs that it was caused in part by a long winter that extended into the spring, packing the mountains with snow and ice, and then. It's impacting the entire northeast, and isn't expected to change anytime soon. I was in Miami, Florida for the Orange Bowl. Looking at the official January temperature outlook from NOAA, we see the colder weather over much of the northern United States. How to Save Your Smartphones Battery Life, Pliocene-Like Monsoons Are Returning to the American Southwest. Below we can see the ocean heat content. Trust me, I am going somewhere with this. Former NASA research scientist Bill Crosson added in the thread that Huntsville, Alabama had its second warmest December on record and was more than 5 degrees F warmer than November. proof of dependent eligibility; how far is monticello, kentucky from me; minecraft far lands seed bedrock edition Weird Weather, and Weatherproof Animals, The book concludes with both a glossary and an index, which round out the scope of narrative information. But as we go into Spring, we get to the first major severe part of the year in the United States. I especially like sharing interesting details about weather events and conditions that can affect you and how to prepare for Mother Nature's ever-changing weather patterns. You can notice the warmer temperatures over much of Europe, which would suggest a pattern change to a more westerly flow in early 2022. Below we have an example of the start and progress of an SSW event that actually happened in 2009. One of those storms, Hurricane Irma, attained wind speeds of an astounding 185 miles per hour for 37 hours the longest any storm on earth maintained winds of that speed. That is because of the increased terrain/ground influence and the dynamics from many weather fronts and systems. SUMMER is here, although looking out the window you would be forgiven to mistake the weather for an average day in January. From strange-looking clouds, to very loud thunder, lightning and even hail - why is the weather in the UK so weird at the moment? It completely broke the polar vortex apart, sending a wave of higher pressure down to the surface. Utah has been in for a weird-weather June. Major changes are coming in 2022 across the atmosphere and the oceans, creating different weather patterns into the second half of the year, and especially in the cold season later in the year. Notice the west QBO starting to descend down around Spring. Depending on the QBO, the risk of winter conditions across the Northern Hemisphere can differ, by each of the phases: There is more than one reason why QBO can influence our Winter weather. As a mid-latitude country with shining seas and majestic mountain ranges and fruited, wind-swept plains, we're subject . It was followed by a positive QBO phase during last winter. Depending on wind speeds, the amount of humidity in the air, and other factors, some contrails will either stay thin and dissipate into the air or linger and spread over minutes, or even hours. Pilots say Nepal can be a challenging place to fly, but conditions at the time of the crash were good, with low wind, clear skies and . Growth stocks have . This additional moisture in the air makes it more likely. 17 Jun 2020. Referring to the excessive temperatures in the US right now, David Robinson, a climate scientist at Rutgers University and the New Jersey State Climatologist, says ridges of high pressure in the atmosphere, which force air groundward, are partly to blame. We can clearly see the strong cold anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Because of the urban heat island effect, heat waves can be multiple degrees Celsius warmer in cities than in surrounding areas. My guess is the increase in weird weather is partly due to the presence of social media and the fact that virtually everyone owns a miniature camera that fits in their pocket. Some believe chemtrails are also proof of weather manipulation much in the way thatcloud seeding was first used decades ago. So, maybe the strange weather phenomena we're hearing about today also took place years ago, but folks couldn't document or spread the news about these weird weather events as easily as we can today. This means the difference in temperature between the regions is not as less than it once was. But, being over the Equator, the QBO is directly connected to the higher levels of the atmosphere, and the solar activity. As Earth's oceans grow warmer, they evaporate more moisture into the atmosphereabout 4 percent more since 1970, according to recent data. ENSO is short for El Nio Southern Oscillation. Of those, 6 hurricanes were considered major according to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. Of course, a new grand minimum does not start in one year, tho we are seeing each new solar cycle being weaker than the previous one. 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On New Years Eve, NOAAs Weather Prediction Center wrote in a discussion, The continental U.S. remains under the influence of prolonged troughing in the Intermountain West and ridging in the Southeast. That ridging led to significant heat in the eastern United States. With ample moisture, significant lift, and cold air in place, a grab-bag of precipitation was happening on the morning of January 3rd, 2021. Most of the United States has a colder signal, including Europe and Siberia. So if we now summarize, we have the changing ocean anomalies, going from a cold ENSO to a warm one, an El Nino. It also shows the La Nina reaching the coldest phase this early winter season. Image by NOAA. Meteorologists say that many of these events are part of a troubling trend. The past and future are tightly linked in conventional quantum mechanics. We usually observe a global shift in pressure patterns during the emergence of an ENSO phase but it is usually most influential during the peak of the phase and its decay. But there can also be smaller warming waves in the stratosphere, that do not collapse the polar vortex. At least 69 of the 72 people aboard have been confirmed dead. As we can see below on the pressure pattern forecast, the strong high-pressure system in the North Pacific is still present. Ten of those were hurricanes formed in the Atlantic basin. The strongest cold anomalies are reaching below 3C colder than the long-term average. Below is a graph that shows annual tornado numbers in the United States from 1954 to 2014, which is quite a good sample size. Ive never seen a firenado in person, but I hear theyre both breathtaking and scary to watch. The ridging (red color now over the western Atlantic Ocean) has given way to trough pattern with colder air. While 2022 is not yet the worst year on record for extreme weather, we are currently witnessing the impact of climate change and the cascading effect of one problematic weather condition influencing another. Call it weird, call it extreme, maybe even call it the new normal. Episodes of La Nia typically occur every two to seven years and usually last for between nine and 12 months. Lasers Are Mapping Scotlands Mysterious Iron Age Passages. It nicely shows the main outlines of the central and eastern parts of the Tornado Alley. In the past week alone, 380,000 people have been evacuated due to floods in China's Henan province, 30 villages in Uganda were affected as rivers overflowed and 25 people died in landslides after Mumbai was hit by big storms that also inundated regions surrounding the megacity. These forecasts only show the prevailing or average picture over the course of 3 months, which can contain a lot of sub-seasonal dynamics. Cut curtain bangs in the quad bathroom as my friend dyed her hair purple. But at the same time, during the warm season, a much larger change will occur high above the equator in the tropical stratosphere. Higher pressure pushes down from the stratosphere into the Polar Circle, weakening the circulation. Over North America, more precipitation is forecast over Canada, which is still mainly snowfall. Even though it might've felt cold, this summer actually has seen warmer than average temperatures. We are currently focusing mostly on the Stratospheric Polar Vortex, as it plays a very important role in the weather development throughout the season. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. The solar cycle lasts 11 years. They think these contrails contain chemicals that government officials are spraying on people to control populations, to test biological agents, to manipulate weather, or to conduct other experiments. In 2022, so far there have been over a dozen climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion, according to the. California has been hit by repeated storms fueled by torrents of moisture called atmospheric rivers that will only intensify in a warming climate. One way to look at the whole ENSO region temperature strength is by looking at the ocean heat content. When will the snow and freezing weather end? This takes the water at depth into consideration as well, not just the surface temperatures. We can see an example of a full solar cycle on the image below, as the sun goes from a minimum to maximum activity, and back to a minimum. Georgia's notorious for its "bipolar" weather and its inhabitants definitely do not know how to deal with it sometimes. Its worth remembering that extreme weather doesnt just have direct impactsit can have devastating indirect consequences on an international scale. There was a lot of talk about the sun entering a new grand minimum. And its not only miserable to be outside on oppressively hot days. Conspiracy theorists believe that persistent contrails (large, thick contrails that hang in the sky for hours at a time) are a relatively new thing. Less extreme weather with fewer flood and tornado fatalities would also be welcomed. Prior to the SSW event, the polar vortex was colder than normal and had good circulation. Satellite image of the storm on January 3, 2022 at 2:11 am. These westerlies higher up at 10mb are just an early indicator of what is to come. 1. A major culprit here is La Nia, a cyclical natural weather phenomenon that results in cooler ocean temperatures in the eastern central Pacific Ocean and warmer temperatures in the Atlantic. Region 3 covers the eastern tropical Pacific, while region 4 covers the central and most of the western tropical Pacific. This often locks the colder air into the Polar regions, creating milder winter for most of the United States and Europe. During the coronavirus lockdowns, emissions of the potent greenhouse gas somehow soared. That causes all kinds of activity and anomalies in the Suns magnetic field, which can be easily observable on the Suns surface as an increase in sunspot numbers. Youre not alone! The next extended seasonal forecast release is coming in February 2022, which will give a much better picture of what to expect for the next Fall/Winter season. Scientists are on the verge of figuring out how to put humans in a state of suspended animation. But besides the ocean temperatures, one of the more important differences is also in the pressure pattern. Edited at 3:42 pm January 3rd, 2022 to acknowledge Paul Beckwith. Looking at our last two winters through this time of the year, So far this winter, we have averaged around 48.2 degrees making it the 28th warmest winter to date. Major changes are coming in 2022 across the atmosphere and the oceans, creating different weather patterns into the second half of the year, and especially in the cold season later in the year. It can be deadly. Below is the forecast for the QBO, showing global zonal winds over the equator. Explores every facet of Yankovic's life, from his meteoric rise to fame with early hits like 'Eat It' and 'Like a Surgeon' to his torrid celebrity love affairs and famously depraved lifestyle. That is a stark contrast to the 30Mb level, that was shown above, which currently has a full-blown east QBO in progress. It shows the global west-to-east (zonal) winds, from the south pole (-90), over the Equator (0) to the north pole (90). It seems the weather is getting stranger each year: Some say the strange weather is caused by climate change. Tonight's Weird Sky. Although as I understand it the real bad weather is later in the week, when we're going to get up to two feet of snow in a couple of days. The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation(QBO), is a regular variation of the winds high above the equator. The speed of the winds in the Atlantic jet stream can weaken or strengthen with the direction change of the QBO. I am sitting here in the Atlanta area right now listening to 40 to 50 mph wind gusts rattle my home. Such disruption creates a chain reaction, that can shift the jet stream by building a high-pressure area over the Arctic circle. It is interesting to see, that in a La Nina spring season, there is a substantially higher frequency of hailstorms and especially tornadoes in the southern and southeastern parts of the United States. Watch Idaho meteorologist Scott Dorval blast the chemtrail myth while explaining how contrails work and why some contrails look so weird: Record heat and drought in some parts of the country have caused massive wildfires. The "bomb cyclone" storm stretched from. There is however a weaker warm anomaly over western Europe, suggesting that colder air intrusions can continue into western and parts of central Europe. But Oxford physicist Tim Palmer now argues that chaos theory shows that quantum uncertainty . In 2020, there were eight between May and July. If that happens it would only be the third such long-lasting La Nia since 1950. A jet stream is an area of fast-moving air at the top of the atmosphere. As a contrast we have a high-pressure area over eastern Canada and Greenland, going for a negative North Atlantic Oscillation pattern. Just like in the oceans, we again have a region that alternates between a positive and a negative phase. During an El Nino, the pressure over the tropical Pacific is lower, with more rainfall and storms and westerly winds. It is also another major difference with 2021, which featured an east (negative) QBO in its cold season, that is still ongoing. This directly translates into the global circulation, affecting the jet stream on both Hemispheres over time. Below we see the zonal (west-east) winds in the stratosphere above the equator over time. Took arms against a sea of troubles; Did not, by opposing, end them; Saw Columbia students violently mosh. The motivation to do something about climate change only grows because we see the signs on the wall. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is forecasting between six and 10 for 2022, while Klotzbach thinks 10 is likely. A major polar vortex disruption/collapse is officially named as Sudden Stratospheric Warming event (SSW). This means that every year or so winds high above the equator change from west to east. We are starting off with the current weather conditions, brought on from the 2021 cold season. This circulation is known as the Polar Vortex. Check out our Gear teams picks for the best fitness trackers, running gear (including shoes and socks), and best headphones, 2023 Cond Nast. Warmer average temperatures around the world can create more extreme weather and not just record heat, but also record snowfall. Another stand-out feature of this book is the use of color . Thats not just a rainfall record in Texas thats a record for the contiguous United States! 2022 blew this year out of the . The collapsed polar vortex sends the energy back down, changing the surface weather patterns by altering the jet stream location. We have marked a few areas of interest, that really stand out. Worst of expected bad weather in Scottish capital should have passed before new year celebrations . Heatwaves in the US and floods in western Europe have dominated the news cycle recently, forcing us to re-examine the relationship between climate change and extreme weather. It heats up, reduces cloud cover, and allows more sun to bake the ground, he explains. Not the kind of record we want to be breaking. That shift is why some of you literally experienced a season shift over night, but there is more. A record 4 hurricanes that made landfall in the United States, with 3 of those considered major hurricanes. Death, violence and destruction are all signs of humanity's struggle to adapt to a changing climate. That pushes the polar jet stream further to the north, bringing warmer than normal conditions to the northern United States and western Canada. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. wall mounted spice racks for kitchen. The image below from NOAA Climate shows the typical circulation during a cold ENSO phase that we are currently in. At any given time, there are series of wave patterns within it. in [+] the eastern U.S. February, which has been warming faster than any other month through the decades, also was the second warmest in the 138-year global record. Lower pressure over Greenland helps to keep the jet stream more to the north, allowing a high-pressure area to expand over much of Europe. It shows the La Nina reaching peak cooling in January. The white-blue tail feature extending into Florida represents the cold front, a dividing line of air masses. All rights reserved. This is certainly a weather event. A surface low and associated fronts are evident. Digitized archaeology is making souterrainssubterranean passages in the Highlandsaccessible in a way Indiana Jones could only dream of. The state's temperatures have climbed to near-record highs, only to plummet to well below normal before shooting back up again. Partly Sunny? But that can change quickly, and as you will now see, it will happen over the Spring season of 2022. Our climate's reaction to greenhouse gas emissions isn't immediate. 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It finds that it relates to a persistent high-pressure ridge that caused a calmer ocean during the past two winters, so less heat was lost to cold air above. The graphic shows the winds from the surface up to around 60-65km/37-40mi altitude in the Mesosphere. There are alternative ways of lowering temperatures inside buildings, she says: You can replace the roof with a more reflective roof, and it will reduce the local urban heat island temperature. In a 2019 study, she and a colleague estimated that this could reduce deaths in an urban heat island area during a heat wave by 25 percent. But it is nicely seen how it can change with the Solar Cycle. The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our livesfrom culture to business, science to design. Hopefully actually not that much. Suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. One very important aspect is of course the Polar Vortex, which is why we mentioned QBO in this article in the first place. Going straight to the point, we have a very interesting image below from NOAA Climate. Another friend in Maryland asked me how the area went from 65 degrees F to a winter storm in less than 24 hours. To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Then we also have a major change in the tropical stratosphere wind phases, going from east to west, also modified by the increasing solar cycle activity. It is known for its strong influence down from the stratosphere, in either direction, for a cold or warm winter. But, these temperature drops usually happen because of the overall reduced output of the sun on a prolonged multi-year scale. The culprit wasn't humansbut the Earth itself. Why have we had such mild weather this winter? It shows the pressure rising over the polar regions, following an SSW event. A specific phase (cold/warm) usually develops between late summer and fall and typically lasts into next Spring. A wind forecast below for the 30mb level (~24km/15mi), shows this easterly wind stream above the tropical regions. All credits goes to: www.coolwx.com , European Severe Weather Database ESWD. Or 72 degrees in Boston less than a week later. Then a high-pressure area began building from the North Atlantic. This way, ENSO has a major impact on the tropical rainfall and pressure patterns and impacts the ocean-atmosphere feedback system. In March, the UKs national weather service, the Met Office, raised its threshold for heat-wave temperatures in some locations by 1 degree Celsius, for example. This is known as an oceanic Kelvin Wave, and will slowly push out the cold anomalies, as we head towards late winter. Farmers, always at the mercy of the weather, have taken a hit. That has formed last month and is set to stay into the early Spring season. Want to learn more about the Weather? At this point, we will not be able to talk about a solar cycle minimum anymore, but a decent path towards a new maximum. The yellow-orange colors behind it represent colder, drier air. The user assumes the entire risk related to its use of this data. The shamans and a group of healers joined forces and made an offering to "Pachamama" (Mother Earth), requesting that the pandemic indeed ends in 2022. From there we will go into the atmosphere and the oceans, to observe what is changing already, and what is yet to come. www.stirimeteo.com disclaims any and all warranties, whether express . The conditions are mostly warmer than normal and drier than normal in the north. With some delay, these changes directly affect the circulation over the rest of the world. I enjoy sharing little-known facts and fun stuff about the weather. So why the persistent belief, purportedly even among emergency room personnel and police, in the power of the full Moon to bring on crazy behavior? As we reach Summer, we are fully in a west (positive) QBO phase and a new negative starting above for 2023. But what exactly is changing this year, and what weather patterns resulted from such changes in the past? Looking at the snow anomalies below, we can see the above-average snowfall over much of the eastern United States and also Europe. Warming in the Arctic has been at least twice as pronounced as in the lower latitudes. Major changes are coming for the ENSO region, that can even resonate into the next year. If you buy thru these links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. ), Fun Facts About Snowflakes (And Watch A Snowflake Form Before Your Eyes! It seems like with every successive year,heat wavesare breaking new records. All these calamities are part of a constellation of extreme weather events that paint a picture of a world that's already warmed 1.2 degrees Celsius from pre-industrial times. 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